SCRIW Update

After a long day in Columbia, SC for the South Carolina Robotic Invitational and Workshops, Metal In Motion came into Rank 3 behind 3490 Viper Drive (Rank 2) and 281 Green Villains (Rank 1). For Alliance selections we were happily chosen by Viper Drive onto the 2nd Alliance. For the 3rd and 4th picks of the 2nd alliance, 1398 Robo Raiders and 2815 Blue Devil Mechanics. We thank our alliance again for doing such a wonderful job, and Viper Drive for choosing us for your alliance. Congratulations to our opponents for putting up a great game. Everyone competed their best and it was a good game. Can’t wait for the build season!Displaying FullSizeRender.jpg(Drive teams from 343, 3490, 2815, and 1398 listed in order from left to right)

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Should change email to person doing admin work.